I love stories of career transitions like Lauren Winsor’s—they’re a true testament to the resourceful bravery it takes to jump into the unknown! You’ll get some real encouragement in today’s shorty as you listen to Lauren’s inspiring journey and learn all about the power of networking.

Lauren shares her unique career path, which includes a background in art history and non-profit work before taking a non-traditional approach to holding herself accountable as she made the leap into entrepreneurship. With a mindset of continual learning, Lauren set herself up for success, so when her “unicorn project” came along, she was ready. She also took the Power of Process course to fill in any missing gaps.

In this episode, Lauren emphasizes that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to business. She also shares her genius strategies for growing and nurturing a network, as well as how she keeps track of all the leads she cultivates.

I’m so pumped up about her advice and networking approach, and I know you will be too after listening.


Episode Highlights
  • Starting a Business: After deciding not to return to her old career, Lauren announced her new design business on Facebook, holding herself accountable to pursue her passion.
  • Unicorn Project: Lauren landed her dream project early on — a full beach house renovation where the clients didn’t keep anything, giving her full control over the project.
  • Power of Process Course: Lauren explains how taking Power of Process course helped her set up systems, stay organized, and implement processes that are still benefiting her business today.
  • Networking Strategies: Lauren reveals her networking secrets, like inviting her realtor over to view her home renovation, which led to being connected with builders and other clients.
Episode Resources

Read the Full Transcript ⬇️

Rebecca Hay: Hey, hey, hey, it’s Rebecca, and you’re listening to Resilient by Design. In today’s shorty episode, we dive into what it looks like to start a business and, within the first two years, come up with a system for networking to attract those dream projects. Lauren Winsor’s story is phenomenal. She also happens to be a POP (Power of Process) alumni. She took Power of Process and implemented everything into her business, which is thriving. Lauren has a background in management and art history from Boston University, plus 10 years in nonprofit development. She comes from an entirely different sector, but with a lifelong passion for interior design and collecting antiques. After years of managing large renovations in her own home and the homes of her friends, she founded House of Winsor Interiors in 2022.

Lauren talks about the impetus to shift careers and what her husband said that made her realize, “Nope, I’m not going back to my previous career after having my babies.” Stay tuned to the end because Lauren shares her best tips on how to network, get the word out, land those dream projects, and who you need to connect with. So, enjoy this episode with Lauren Winsor.

Welcome to the podcast, Lauren! Our internet’s a little glitchy today, so I hope it doesn’t affect our listeners. My apologies — I’m at the cottage. Let’s dive right in. Why don’t you introduce yourself to our listeners?

Lauren Winsor: Hi, Rebecca! Thank you so much for having me today. My name is Lauren Winsor, and I am the owner of House of Winsor Interiors. We do full-service interior design with construction management in Rhode Island, and I absolutely love it.

Rebecca Hay: We have so much to talk about today. First of all, I love how willing you are to show up, share, and raise your hand. I got to know you a bit during Power of Process, and I’m excited for others to get to know you. Why don’t you let us know how you got started? You didn’t always do interior design, right? You didn’t pop out of school and say, “I’m going to be a designer.” What was that path like for you?

Lauren Winsor: That’s a great question. My background is in business and art history. I’ve always been very creative, but after school, I worked in the nonprofit world for about 10 years across different sectors — in the arts, private schools, and my last role was fundraising at a hospital. I took some time off to be home with my kids, and when it was time to go back to work, my husband came home one day and said, “They’re hiring down at the bank.” And I thought, “I can’t do this. No way. I have to follow my passion.” So, I put it out there on Facebook that I was starting my interior design business, and then I just had to stay accountable to that.

Rebecca Hay: Whoa, that’s amazing! You were like, “I’ve been home with the kids, and I’m not going back to the old career.” This is why I love these short episodes because so many women I talk to go through this same transition, right? You’re career-driven, then you have kids, and things shift. It’s like, “Wait a minute, I don’t want that world anymore.” I love that you trusted your intuition. So, did you have any experience with interior design?

Lauren Winsor: I grew up with a mother who was a designer and an antique dealer. We moved when I was a teenager, and I had a hard time making friends, so I spent a lot of time with my mom helping her with her projects and learning about antiques. I also have the art history background, so I have knowledge about color, fabrics, and furniture history. I had done two large renovations in my own homes — one in Massachusetts and another when we moved to Rhode Island. I also started doing big projects, like kitchens and bathrooms, for friends and family. When people I didn’t know started asking for my help, that gave me the confidence to think, “I must be doing something right. I’m going to give this a try.”

Rebecca Hay: That’s awesome. You were dabbling, and it was a slow grow, but then you realized this is your speed. You launched your business in 2022, right?

Lauren Winsor: Yes, at the end of 2022.

Rebecca Hay: That’s just under two years at the time of this recording. Do you ever give yourself a pat on the back for how far you’ve come?

Lauren Winsor: I try to. I thought at first, “Maybe this won’t work out, and I’ll have to try something else.” But I think the key things I did early on, like taking Power of Process, really set me up for success. I still consider myself pretty green, still learning in many ways. I think we’re always learning and growing, but I’m far from closing down — in fact, I’m still growing!

Rebecca Hay: Let’s talk about Power of Process because you started your business and hadn’t run a design firm before, but you had been helping with projects. What was missing that made you feel like you needed something like POP?

Lauren Winsor: I took the course during what I call my “unicorn project.” I was fortunate to do a lot of networking early on, and I landed a project that was right up my alley — a beach house renovation. The family didn’t even keep a fork! They were out of state and needed someone to manage their project, so I jumped right in. But in that process, I realized, “Wow, I don’t know a lot about what’s going on here.” I had done my own projects, but it’s different doing them for someone else. I think I saw an Instagram ad, heard you talking, Rebecca, and thought, “Yes, I need something like this.” I signed up immediately, and the rest is history. I loved the course.

Rebecca Hay: Can we just take a moment? Dream job! I love that you said the family didn’t even save a fork. You were instructed to do it all!

Lauren Winsor: Yes, they trashed it all. I got to provide a really concierge-level service for them. I made their beds, stocked their fridge, and managed everything because they didn’t live here. They needed me.

Rebecca Hay: I love that! Thank you so much for sharing all your tips on networking and growing your business. You’ve been such an inspiration today, Lauren! Where can people find and follow you?

Lauren Winsor: You can find me at houseofwinsorinteriors.com and on Instagram at @house.of.winsor.

Rebecca Hay: Beautiful. Thanks so much for joining me today! I know this is going to be a really great episode that’s going to resonate. I didn’t ask for a nugget, but I feel like you’re going to have one. What’s your nugget of wisdom we can share?

Lauren Winsor: Okay, so my nugget to share is if you are out there asking people to refer you, you need to practice what you preach and get out there and refer others. I am always talking kindly about the builders and vendors and architects that I know and work with. I am liking their posts, I’m commenting on their wins and successes, and really building relationships. It is work, but it will come back to you.

Rebecca Hay: I love this. I love this. Practice what you preach. Refer others. Oh, such good wisdom. No wonder you’re so successful already. All right, lady, we’re going to follow you. We’re all following your journey. I can’t wait.

Lauren Winsor: Thanks, Rebecca.

Rebecca Hay: All right. I totally loved speaking with Lauren about networking. Like, wow. You know, I brought her onto the podcast. I wanted to hear about her experience with POP because I know that it was very impactful for her. And, you know, she’d been said offline that She truly found everything she needed inside that course. And it’s really just launched her and her business. But what I loved that I didn’t expect to get were those tips on networking. Like I love what she did with her own home and bringing the realtor in.

There is something to be said about asking for the work or asking for the referrals. And I love that every single week she reached out, reaches out to someone. And what I think is important to clarify is what Lauren’s talking about here is not reaching out to someone asking for a job. Like, I don’t think every week Lauren is sending a realtor, an email saying, Hey, do you have any clients that want to a designer? It’s literally like, Oh, Hey, I love what you’re doing. Can I take you for a coffee? It’s maintaining and building your network in relationships so that When those opportunities happen, you are top of mind. Love that. Thank you so much for joining us, Lauren. Guys, go give her a follow. It’s House of Winsor. I will see you soon.