Are you tuning in to what your body is trying to tell you?

In this quick and powerful episode, I dive into the importance of listening to our bodies and trusting the messages they send. I’ll share a personal experience where I initially ignored my gut instincts, only to find clarity and a shift in mindset when I finally leaned into that intuition.

If you often feel stuck, frustrated, or overwhelmed by searching for answers, this episode is for you. I encourage you to pause, tune in to your body’s subtle signals, and embrace the wisdom it offers. This practice can be a game-changer, helping you find peace and direction in moments of uncertainty.

Join me for this insightful shorty and start your journey towards a more intuitive, body-aligned approach to life.


Episode Highlights
  • Rebecca discusses the importance of following your gut and intuition, especially in business decisions.
  • She shares her experience working with a coach, Mary Hyatt, who helped her understand and trust her intuition.
  • Rebecca describes the concept of human design and how discovering she is a “generator” has influenced her approach to work and life.
  • The episode emphasizes the value of listening to your body’s signals—whether something excites you or causes resistance—as a guide for making decisions.
Episode Resources

Read the Full Transcript ⬇️

Rebecca Hay: Hey hey hey, it’s Rebecca, and you’re listening to Resilient by Design. Today’s shorty episode is unplanned. Vera had recommended that I record one about the money mindset because we have an episode of our private podcast for our Power of Process students that talks about that. It’s a really popular episode.

I’m a firm believer in meeting you guys where I’m at right now, just being truthful, honest and sharing what’s on my mind and the lessons I’m learning. I’ve realized that when I learn from an experience and then share that with you, it helps you more—and it helps me too, right? It helps me process what I’ve just gone through and what’s going on.

So today, I want to talk about your gut and intuition. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been working with a coach named Mary Hyatt. For those of you who took Spring Power of Process, you would have seen her bonus live training. She joined us for a phenomenal live training all about mindset and intuition.

I’ve been working with her one-on-one. When I first wanted to work with her, I really just wanted to focus on my business. Like, where is my business going? I’ve got these two businesses—how do I navigate these changes in my life? Where do I want to go? Help me figure out and gain some clarity. What we really landed on was my need to clarify what my intuition is saying, and understanding, based on my own human design, which is that I’m a generator.

If anybody doesn’t know what human design is, go online and Google “human design.” I have a resource that I use for my own human design, so we’ll try to include that in the show notes. If we don’t have it, just DM me on Instagram. Essentially, you enter your date of birth, where you were born, and the time you were born, and it generates your human design based on astrology and all this craziness. It’s really about how you operate in the world, how you respond to the world around you, and your personality. It’s so freaking fascinating. I’ve been diving into my report, and we found out from working with Mary that I’m a generator, and I do best when I respond to what’s going on, as opposed to going out there and trying to manifest and make things happen.

This is my long-winded way of explaining how I got to talking about intuition. I remember some of my first calls with her, and I was like, “How the heck do I even know what my intuition is saying?” She would ask, “What does it feel like in your body?” And I would respond, “I don’t know. What is it supposed to feel like in my body? I don’t know.”

But then, over the months—and the better part of a year—working with her, I started to learn when my body was experiencing a yes or a no—my gut instinct and what it looks and feels like. So I thought I would share that here with you because what I’ve been intentional about this year, 2024, has been only going down a path and doing things that my body is telling me, “Yes, let’s do it.” Anytime I have hesitation or reservation or feel like I am saying no, this is a relatively new concept for me.

I’ve been doing this a little bit in my personal life, but what I can share in my professional life with you is that most recently, we had planned to launch a Summer Pop-Up Academy. I have all these little courses and templates that I would love to share with you guys. I have content that I’ve shared and sold to people in the past, but it hasn’t been available since. Just because it feels like it’s a lot of work to get it up and running, I was like, “We’re going to do this Pop-Up Summer Academy.” It was actually someone on my team’s idea. We’ll see how it goes. If people want to grab little bite-sized things to learn from me, they can grab it anytime they want. We’ll just do it for the summer and see. If that idea flies, we can launch something bigger in the year ahead.

As we were getting close to it, I started feeling resistance. I thought, “If I do this, my summer is going to feel chaotic because I’m going to be scrambling to make sure everything is uploaded.” And you know me— with my courses, I want to make sure everything is done really well, very professionally. I want to ensure that there are the right worksheets. That takes time. I wasn’t leaving myself enough time to get everything up and running. Then I started thinking, “Oh my gosh, but then we’ve got Power of Process coming back in the fall. There’s a lot of work to get that course up and out the door.” I thought, “What we’re going to do is never going to be behind the eight-ball again with another course launch.” I was like, “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know.” Finally, I was in a meeting with Sarah, my marketing manager, and she said, “What if we just put a pause on it?” I felt a sense of relief in my body, and immediately I knew it wasn’t the right time. I’m not saying I’m not going to do it in the future, but I immediately trusted my body. My body was like, “Okay, I’m trying to push, push, push.”

The reason I’m telling you this story is not really to have anything to do with me and my Summer Pop-Up Academy idea—although I think it’s a great idea—but to give you an example of the power of trusting your intuition, especially in business. I think sometimes—no, most of the time—many of us are so trained to look at pros and cons and check things off a list: “Should I do this thing?” “Or should I do that thing?” “Should I charge them this much money?” “Or should I charge them that much money?” “Should I take on this project or not?” “Should I hire this person?” “Should I fire that person?” “Should we get an office or a studio?” “Or should we not?”

So many decisions that we make in our businesses, and we don’t listen to how it feels inside our bodies. This shorty episode is really meant, if not for anything else, to get you to take a pause. I’m sure if you’re listening right now, you might be going through a situation in your life or in your business where you can’t make a decision. You’re feeling a little frustrated, and you don’t know what the right answer is. Pause, and feel what it feels like in your body. Do you get excited about it? Does it light you up? Does it feel like a “hell yes”? That’s your body saying, “Aha, I want to do this thing.” But if your body is feeling resistance, you’re feeling frustration, maybe you’re feeling tense, or like you’re dreading a project or a client.

I just turned down a project that came to us from a consultation I did a few years ago during the pandemic. They came back to me—lovely people with a lovely decorating job—and they were ready to go. I thought, “Who is this again? Oh wow, that was a while ago.” If I want to do this project, I’m going to have to do another consultation, and we’ll probably need to re-quote it because our prices have changed in the last four years. I started to think about who the team members I would need to bring on to support me in this project would be. I was starting to feel this sense of overwhelm in my throat. I realized I didn’t even know if I wanted to do that. I didn’t think it was in alignment with where I am today with the goals I have for 2024. So I turned down the project. I offered up a colleague of mine to this design client and said I’d love to connect them with this person. I think their style will be in alignment, and they’re going to be available. They’re geographically close to you. It felt like a relief, though it was very scary to say no to something. Once I did it, it felt like, “Oh thank God. I don’t have to do that thing.”

All that to say, if you are going through a situation in your life or in your business where you can’t come up with a decision, and can’t decide what to do, can you recognize how your body feels? Do you get excited about something? Or do you feel like, “No, no, no, not for me”? Listen, I am on my journey, and I feel like I’m at the tip of the iceberg on this journey of learning to trust my gut, and my intuition, and really being able to hear it when it shows up. I do not always follow it because I still sometimes get a little bit overthinky, and I take in a million and one opinions. Then I’m like, “I don’t know. Should I move? I feel like I should move. Maybe I don’t want to move.” Then once it gets so muddled, it is really hard to know what your instinct is telling you.

It’s when your instinct kicks in when the first question is asked of you or the first idea is presented. How does it feel? Does it excite you? Does it make you nervous, but it’s still exciting? Or does it make you feel dread? These are clues. Because for too long, I have ignored these feelings in my body. I have been in unsafe situations as a 20-something, knowing I shouldn’t get into that car where we’re all piling on top of each other on a Spanish highway, with the driver going 180 kilometers an hour, no one’s wearing seatbelts, and everyone’s been drinking all night. My body said no, but I was more focused on the peer pressure and all the external things. There are so many situations in my life, and I’m sure many of you, especially women, can relate to this. There’s a Rolodex in my mind of all the times when I knew I should have trusted my instinct and my intuition but was afraid to because of outside factors and external pressures.

Imagine what a place this world would be if we as humans trusted that inner guidance and made decisions more from that place. I actually believe that my future is going to look a lot different the more I hone in on this skill, and I’m excited. I’m slowing down, trying to pause, listen, and journal. This might be a little woo-woo for you, so don’t worry—we’ll get back to the actionable takeaways in the next episode.

But I felt like it was a message I needed to share because I know there are people listening right now who are unclear, don’t know what to do, and are not trusting their own instincts. Your body and your mind are connected, and they know what’s best for you. They know more than your mother, your brother, your sister, your friend, the guy next door, the client, or the employee. You know what is right for you. Even if it’s scary, this is your excuse to lean into it and see what happens.

There’s my woo-woo shorty for you. I’d love to know which shorty episodes are resonating with you more. Is it these random woo-woo moments with Rebecca sharing her deepest, darkest secrets? Probably not, but hey, let me know. Or is it the little interviews with designers? Or is it quick actionable tips like, “Do this, that, and the other, and you’ll get that”? Let me know. This is all a fun, wild rollercoaster. I’m just trusting my gut, showing up here, and sharing things as I go through them. I hope you guys enjoyed that shorty episode, and I will see you soon.