In this episode, I speak with Angela Wilson, a career transition mentor and coach about her own deeply personal story of career crisis and how she helps other women with their own.

Angela shares tips, advice, and exercises that will help listeners self-reflect to identify their own values, strengths, interests, and skills to learn how to deeply trust themselves in times of career transition.

About Angela

Angela Wilson is considered one of the brightest minds in career transition, career coaching, and mentoring today. Now a number 1 best-selling author, well-respected speaker, educator, award-winning coach, and consultant on all things careers and transitions. She is the founder of Career Design Studio which supports highly motivated professionals to rediscover themselves after the change and take the steps to bloom in their careers. With her knowledge, wisdom, and over 10 years of experience in coaching and counseling in education, wellness, and career development, she’s here to guide you through your change. She also has a knack for quickly and easily spotting the relevant patterns, life themes, and obstacles holding her clients back from an inspiring career. Her authenticity, honesty and down-to-earth style are her greatest assets. She has the ability to leave you feeling inspired, challenged, and clear about the next step in your career journey.

Check out Angela’s work at her website and on Instagram

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