Podcast Guest Agreement - Rebecca Hay

Resilient by Design Podcast Guest Agreement

Please complete this form ahead of your scheduled podcast recording. If this agreement is not complete 72 hours prior to the recording date, our team will reach out to reschedule the interview.

Let's start with your name(Required)
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Will you share your podcast episode with your social followers and email list?(Required)
Will you leave us an amazing review on Apple podcasts?(Required)
Do you have your microphone situation nailed down?(Required)
To help with audio quality please acquire a headset with a built in microphone or use a separate quality microphone and headphones. If you're looking for suggestions this Logitech Wired headset is a great option: https://amzn.to/3BF0LXJ
And now the legal stuff... (please read through)(Required)
I do, at this moment, consent to the recording and distribution of reproduction(s) of my voice and performance as part of the RESILIENT BY DESIGN PODCAST by Rebecca Hay Designs Inc. I, at this moment, acknowledge that REBECCA HAY is the sole owner of all rights in and to Resilient By Design Podcast, and the recording(s) thereof, for all purposes; and that Rebecca has the unfettered right, among other things, to use, exploit and distribute Resilient by Design Podcast, and my performance as embodied therein, together with my name, sobriquet, biographical sketch, photograph or likeness - including, without limitation, any photographs or other material provided to Rebecca by me - in any media or formats, throughout the world, in perpetuity. I agree that I have full ownership of the photography submitted for use by Resilient by Design Podcast and Rebecca Hay Designs Inc. Any materials prepared during the production and distribution of Resilient by Design Podcast become the property of Rebecca, and she shall have the sole and exclusive right to use, exploit and distribute such materials, throughout the world, in perpetuity. I acknowledge that anything said during the recording session is recorded and will be used as this podcast is based on natural conversation and is primarily unedited. Nothing contained in this Guest Release shall be construed to obligate Rebecca to use or exploit any of the rights granted or acquired by Rebecca or to make, sell, license, distribute or otherwise exploit Resilient by Design Podcast or its materials whatsoever. I understand and agree that I shall receive no compensation for appearances on and participation in Resilient by Design Podcast. My name, likeness, and photograph may be used in connection with Resilient by Design Podcast and in advertising and promotional material for Resilient by Design Podcast, but not as an endorsement of any product or service. I agree to promote the social media graphics I receive from Resilient by Design Podcast or Rebecca Hay Designs Inc on my social media channels and email campaigns/newsletters. I release and discharge Rebecca from any liability arising out of or in connection with the making, producing, reproducing, processing, exhibiting, distributing, publishing, and transmitting by any means or otherwise using the products mentioned above. Now just click Submit below and that's it! Thank you and stay tuned for more prep details. (Please note that there is a video component to our recording session for our YouTube channel). I am really looking forward to our chat! xo, Rebecca

Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Development Alchemy + Aim