Calling all interior designers who crave bigger projects...

Calling all interior designers who crave bigger projects...

Calling all interior designers who crave bigger projects...

Start Converting Simple Consults Into Full Design Projects

Grab my FREE Consultation Checklist for a proven strategy that sets you up to impress clients with your professionalism and expertise.

Free Consultation Checklist for Interior Designers

Ever wondered how interior designers turn consults into full scale projects?

As a 7-figure design firm owner & business coach to designers, I get this question all the time!

I'm thrilled to share with you what I do to prepare, during, and after a consultation to help you find a consultation formula that works for you!

Running a consultation the same way every time will up-level your business and eliminate a lot of stress. Really.

As soon as you adapt this strategy for your business, you will feel more confident and convert more consultations to full scale projects.


"I implemented this into my business practice and gained new clients. They were impressed when I met them and had guidelines in place to give them."